Intelligent AI-powered solutions for value-adding logistic automation
Accessible artificial intelligence to automate and optimize flexible logistic handling processes.
Contemporary logistical industrial processes demand an ever greater flexibility from automation solutions that must be able to deal with the high level of flexibility and rapid change of objects and processes. At the same time, the industry is looking for solutions to improve efficiency and sustainability throughout the whole supply chain.
Viroteq develops and supplies modular intelligence that enables both integrators and end-user to automate logistic handling processes where a high level of flexibility is needed, while at the same time optimizing the transport efficiency.
Viroteq aims to provide a solution to improve parcel transport efficiency by optimizing the picking, packing and stacking tasks in the logistic industry, where processes are requiring more and more flexibility from a decreasing labour force. Based on industry knowledge and experience, our team of AI experts creates new innovative solutions in strong collaboration with our partners, which result in more AI-based Industry 4.0 innovations.


Viroteq featured in the top 10 smart packaging trends of 2023
Viroteq has been featured in the top 10 smart packaging trends of 2023 as innovative AI solution July 2023 For more information: click here wins virtual stacking challenge at ICRA 2023 in London. wins virtual stacking challenge at ICRA 2023 in London and launches its latest AI solution: The RobotStackr. Press release: 2-6-2023 Yesterday, at the International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) in London, Viroteq has launches its latest AI-powered innovation: the RobotStackr! launches its latest AI-powered innovation: the RobotStackr! May 2023 We are delighted and proud to present our latest AI-innovation: the RobotStackr – an industrial AI turn-key solution for robotic stacking and packing of unknown